Tensinet Symposia

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TENSINANTES2023 - The TensiNet Symposium 2023 was held at Nantes Université.

The7th International TensiNet Symposium "Membrane architecture: the seventh established building material. Designing reliable and sustainable structures for the urban environment" took place at Nantes Université (France)  from Wednesday 7th till Friday 9th June 2023.

This three-day event allowed prominent experts from the world of architecture and engineering to present inspiring projects, to demonstrate the multitude of possibilities offered by lightweight structures, as well as to show recent research results in the domain of fabrics and foils.The conference was organised around the following three main themes:

Structural membrane: contemporary, innovative, adaptive daring and impactful solutions
Tensioned membrane structures: the seventh building material
Structural membrane: an answer to issues of the 21st century

Complementary duos of keynote speakers: The diversity and complementarity within the TensiNet community: suppliers, manufacturers, installers, engineers, architects, researchers & academics, inspired and fed the idea of putting together duos who will give presentations around the above-mentioned themes.

  • Grégoire Zündel (Atelier Zündel Cristea) & Ramon Sastre (Universitat Politècnica Catalunya) with the keynote lecture Bouncing Bridge: ephemeral, autonomous and self-supporting pneumatic temporary structure - The lecture covers a series of pneumatic temporary structures for public spaces such as the Bouncing Bridge, all designed by AZC and with Ramon Sastre as their consultant. The key topics of their lecture are: 1/ Why this project; 2/ Tubular pneumatic; 3/ Use; 4/ Analysis and 5/ Fabrication (patterning).
  • Bruce Danziger (Danziger Engineering Collaborative INC.) & Carol Monticelli (Politecnico di Milano) with the keynote lecture The Pathways to Zero Carbon for Tensioned Membrane Architecture: ongoing actions and next steps - They will discuss on the one hand how to learn and share effective methods to quantify and reduce the embodied carbon of lightweight structures and on the other hand start the discourse on the advancements of the research on this topic in the on-going transfer to today’s design practice. The key topics are: 1/Education (sharing resources, methods and tools); 2/Reporting (carbon accounting and sharing project data); 3/Reduction Strategies (making plans, collecting data, establishing benchmarks, setting carbon reduction targets); 4/Advocacy (promoting carbon reduction on projects, getting more EPD data from suppliers and manufacturers, promoting the industry’s contributions to carbon reduction) and 5/Implementation (transfer collected knowledge to design practice).
  • Karsten Moritz (IMS Bauhaus® Archineer® Institutes e.V.) & Jean-Christophe Thomas (Nantes Université) with the keynote lecture Milestones of ETFE construction methods and starting points for further developments - The lecture shows the possibilities of ETFE as an important building material by an overview of milestone projects over the latest 50 years. At the same time, the keynote speakers look ahead to future possibilities taken into account the further development and implementation of LCA’s, EPD’s and the Eurocode for membrane structures as well as the trend to teach this construction methods more and more at universities.

Louis Ratajczak from DVVD presented his keynote lecture Architecture in motion on the design to realisation of the retractable roof of the Philippe Chatrier centre court at Roland Garros and Rosemarie Wagner (KIT) her keynote lecture on the Textile Architecture with or versus today challenges in built environment.


E-book proceeding including all papers!


Organising Committee

Jean-Christophe Thomas - jean-christophe.thomas@univ-nantes.fr

Sabine Cario - sabine.cario@univ-nantes.fr

Evi Corne, Marijke Mollaert - info@tensinet.com


Brussels - 2003: Designing Tensile Architecture

Milano - 2007: Ephemeral Architecture: Time and Textiles

Sofia - 2010: Tensile Architecture: Connecting Past and Future

Istanbul - 2013: [RE]THINKING Lightweight Structures

Newcastle - 2016: Novel structural skins - Improving sustainability and efficiency through new structural textile materials and designsE-book proceeding

Milan - 2019 :Softening the Habitats: Sustainable Innovations in Minimal Mass Structures and Lightweight Architectures E-book proceeding


You can order the proceedings of the previous symposia. 


Announcements & Reports