• Colloquium TEXTILE SKIN

  • Film Frei Otto: Spanning the Future - Opening and start of the Master Lightweight Membrane Structures

    20 April 2017

    Opening and start of the Lightweight Membrane Structures Master´s Program at Danube University Krems (Austria) on Monday May 29th 2017 at 18:00 - Cinema at the University Campus with the Austrian Cinema Premiere of the Film Frei Otto: Spanning the Future produced by Simon K. Chiu.

    Students find here a very good environment to study. The University offers a "Light-Laboratory" and a "Wind tunnel for full scale models". More information at http://www.donau-uni.ac.at/en/studium/lightweight-membrane-structures/index.php



  • TENSINEWS - NEWSLETTER NR. 32 (1-4) - APRIL 2017

    20 April 2017

    TensiNews - Newsletter Nr. 32 - APRIL 2017 -  Price 15€ (port incl)




  • TENSINEWS 32 _ CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS _ deadline 30.01.17

    5 January 2017

    We invite our members to submit for the next TensiNews issue an article, project description, upcoming event, new development, research report or book review.

    Send your contribution to evi.corne@vub.ac.be.


  • TECHTEXTIL STUDENT COMPETITION 2017 - register by 27.02.2017

    5 January 2017

    In 2017, Techtextil – International Trade Fair for Technical Textiles and Nonwovens is organizing the 14th 'Textile Structures for New Building' contest. As in the years before the international association TensiNet is supporting the contest as a sponsor with prize money amounting to € 8,000. Furthermore the contest will be medially accompanied and supported by our media partner Architonic.

    Prof. Dr. Dr. E.h. Dr. h.c. Werner Sobek, director of the Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design (ILEK), University of Stuttgart, will be responsible for the professional and technical supervision of the competition.

    We cordially invite all students and young professionals (born after 1 March 1988) of architecture and civil engineering, product design, or any other relevant subjects, to apply.

    This competition is designed to identify innovative thinking and innovative solutions to problems, featuring construction projects capable of concrete realisation which use textiles or textilereinforced materials. A further aim is to encourage students and new entrants to the professions. The competition is further intended to strengthen contacts between the younger generation, the universities, the technical-textiles industry and broad sections of the building industry.


    FLYER http://www.tensinet.com/files/Techtextil_Competitions/TT2017_FLYER_StudentCompetition.pdf

    INVITATION AND CONTITIONS http://www.tensinet.com/files/Techtextil_Competitions/TT2017_StudentCompetition_Invitation_20160701.pdf    



  • EXHIBITION - Frei Otto. Thinking by Modeling

    9 December 2016

    The exhibition aims at introducing new perspectives on the work of Frei Otto as well as formulating present-day questions concerning the future of our built environment involving architecture, technology, sustainability and society.

    Frei Otto (1925-2015) is among the most internationally celebrated and innovative German architects of the 20th century and is a central figure in building the culture in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. In March of last year, he received the Nobel Prize for Architecture, the Pritzker Prize, for his work, which is the most highly recognized award for architecture in the world. On the occasion of this honour, the »Südwestdeutsches Archiv für Architektur und Ingenieurbau« (saai) and the Wüstenrot Foundation are planning the biggest exhibition to date of the work of Frei Otto in cooperation with the ZKM.

    ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe

    05.11.2016 –  12.03.2017





  • SYMPOSIUM 2016 _ pictures

    25 November 2016

    Enjoy the pictures of our successful & interesting symposium 2016 on Novel Structural Skins http://www.tensinet.com/files/Symposium_2016/PICTURES_pdf.pdf


  • SYMPOSIUM 2016 _ Proceedings

    25 November 2016

    The publisher of the symposium proceedings is Elsevier. The proceedings is published in an online issue of Procedia Engineering on www.ScienceDirect.com and is freely accessible in perpetuity to a worldwide audience. Use the link to have access to the 54 articles written for and presented at the symposium: www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/18777058/155/supp/C


  • SaP-Report ‘Prospect for European guidance for the Structural Design of Tensile Membrane Structures'

    17 October 2016

    CEN TC250 in its meeting of the 20th of November decided that the Science and Policy Report (SaP-Report) ‘Prospect for European guidance for the Structural Design of Tensile Membrane Structures’ will be published by JRC (Joint Research Centre).

    This version will be made available to the European Standardisation Bodies for evaluation as ‘basis’ for the Technical Specifications. Comments can be given during 6 months. After this period of 6 months CEN TC250 will decide if - taking the comments into account - the elaboration of the Technical Specifications can start or not (decision expected by November 2016).

    You can download the on-line version from:


