Announcement & calls




  • Execution rules for Fibre -Polymer Composite Structures and Membrane Structures
    Call to contribute to the development of the execution rules for Fibre -Polymer Composite Structures and Membrane Structures
  • TensiNet SURVEY
    As TensiNet approaches its 25th anniversary, it is time to reflect and look ahead! We therefore ask our members to complete this survey and return it by e-mail to Thank you in advance!
  • PCR Guidance-Texts for Building-Related Products and Services - Part B: Requirements on the EPD for structural membranes
    The Product Category Rules Part B: Requirements on the EPD for structural membranes (fabrics, coated fabrics and foils) was submitted to IBU (Institut Bauen und Umwelt) for revision on behalf of the TensiNet Association on 15 February 2023 and was published on 5 January 2024.
  • Draft PFAS response
    TensiNet draft response to the PFAS Restriction Proposal (internal deadline 23/9/23)
  • Prospect for European Guidance for the Structural design of Tensile Membrane Structures
    Tensioned Membrane Structures have unique properties compared to the more conventional built environment. Besides their low self-weight and high flexibility these structures are known to be 'optimally' constructed, as they are only loaded in tension. It results in shapes adapted to the flow of forces and a minimum of material needed to realise the span. Despite a considerable amount of scientific knowledge exists, only few design codes are available. A common standardised approach as well as a comprehensive European design standard is needed in order to provide verification techniques, a common pool of design approaches and to achieve a harmonized safety level. Within CEN/TC 250/WG 5, CEN/TC 248/WG 4, the TensiNet Association and COST Action TU1303, an international team of researchers, engineers, architects, material producers and manufacturers has been working on this report. The final aim is to develop a Eurocode for the Structural Design of Tensile Membrane Structures, which will help to design and implement these lightweight structures. The report consists of three major parts: 1) general explanations giving scientific and technical background for the design of membrane structures, 2) state-of-the-art overview on existing national and European rules and recommendations on the design of membrane structures, and 3) proposals for European harmonized design rules, which could be part of the future Eurocode for Tensile Membrane Structures. Authors: STRANGHÖNER N.; UHLEMANN Jörg; BILGINOGLU Faruk; BLETZINGER Kai-Uwe; BÖGNER-BALZ Heidrun; CORNE Evi; GIBSON Nick; GOSLING Peter; HOUTMAN Rogier; LLORENS Josep; MALINOWSKY Marc; MARION Jean-Marc; MOLLAERT Marijke; NIEGER Meike; NOVATI Giorgio; SAHNOUNE Farid; SIEMENS Peter; STIMPFLE Bernd; TANEV Vatyu; THOMAS Jean-Christophe; RAPOSO DE M. DO N. E S. DE SOTTO MAYOR Maria Luisa Editors: DIMOVA Silvia; MOLLAERT Marijke; PINTO VIEIRA Artur; DENTON Steve
  • European Training Network ActaReBuild - call to candidate
    The European Training Network ActaReBuild – Acoustic and Thermal Retrofit of Buildings, offers 10 funded doctoral positions with starting date during the academic year 2022/23. ActaReBuild provides research and training in retrofit of office building stock in Europe by means a new generation of sustainable materials and building components. Doctoral candidates will learn how to improve and guarantee acoustic and thermal performance of buildings that undergo renovation processes while minimizing embodied carbon production. The training offered to 10 Doctoral Candidates interconnected through the network will enforce their research and transferable skills necessary for thriving careers in this burgeoning area. This goal will be achieved by a unique, interdisciplinary combination of specialized “hands-on” research training supported by high-quality joint PhD degree supervision; by performing of secondments at industrial partners; participation at courses and workshops on scientific and complementary “soft” skills facilitated by the academic and non-academic partners of the consortium. Thanks to network-wide interactions, DCs will get acquainted with a variety of novel building materials and solutions (bio-, nano-, meta-, recycled, 3D printed materials and multilayer structural skins), measurement techniques and assessment methods (such as life cycle analysis and sustainability assessment, psychoacoustic methods, specialized thermal behaviour experiments and a variety of simulation techniques in acoustics, energy, hygrothermal behaviour). We are looking for researchers willing to combine research and professional training, and willing to travel. Candidates must have a master’s degree in a relevant field of study. ActaReBuild network language is English. Are you interested?please send an email to: and we will let you know once the vacancies are opened. The recruitment platform will soon be operational! More information on Project Partners and PHD topics: see