• TensiNewsflash December 2014

  • Vacancy at Buro Happold for a Specialist Engineer

  • Order the TensiNet Publications: Design recommendations for ETFE foils / proceeding

    24 July 2013


  • CALL for Participants for TensiNet Working Group on Life Cycle Assessment

    23 April 2012

    Following an initiative of Prof. Jan Cremers from Hightex, a new working group has been founded which will focus on the subject of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The aim of this group is to review the current status on materials and typical membrane structures with regard to LCA issues. As building certification becomes more and more standard this subject will also touch our part of the building sector. The status reached so far is very heterogeneous and inconsistent for the typical materials we use. On the level of structure types, there is hardly any information available so far. The LCA Working Group will identify and describe steps that could be taken within the TensiNet association to achieve a coherent data base to work with. It should also be as open and transparent as possible to gain a maximum of credibility. The idea is to present a kind of road map how to proceed at the next meeting.

    During the setup in Barcelona (November 2011) and afterwards, there was great interest to cooperate in this working group from different sides. But of course we invite still others to join in. If you are interested, please send an email to Jan Cremers from Hightex: jan.cremers@hightexworld.com.


  • CALL for Participants for TensiNet Working Group on Pneumatic Structures

    23 August 2011

    Pneumatic Structures are increasingly being considered for a variety of applications in the built environment, from stadium roofs to bridges, and from permanent structures to deployable enclosures. The design, analysis and specification of these structures is often treated differently by different consultants in different countries, with occasional reliance upon qualitative and empirical experience, or applications from other industries.


    TensiNet is launching a working group on Pneumatic Structures to consolidate the current best practise in this specialist field. It is envisaged that this working group will focus on analysis techniques, design processes, applicable standards and technical references, materiality options, and construction practicalities. Reference will be made to the existing working groups on ETFE and Analysis & Materials without duplicating their findings, of course.


    The aims, scope and membership of the working group will be discussed at the start-up meeting to follow after the Annual General Meeting of TensiNet in Barcelona on 4th October 2011. Any interested parties who would like to participate should contact the leader of the working group, Matthew Birchall, at matthew.birchall@burohappold.com



  • Spanish edition European Design Guide for Tensile Surface Structures

    24 November 2009


    Arquitectura Textil

    Guía Europea de Diseño de las Estructuras Superficiales Tensadas



  • Interview Javier Tejera BAT SPAIN on TV

    3 April 2008
    It is important that we all promote tensile architecture and light weight construction, also on TV.


  • Interested to become a TensiNet Member?

    28 March 2008

    Interested in becoming a TensiNet member?

    Please look at the membership fees


    You can register on-line. If you have questions please contact Evi Corne (evi.corne@vub.ac.be)

    New members receive a free copy of the "European Design Guide for Surface Tensile Structures".


  • TensiNet Working Group "Specifications"

    27 December 2007
    The national or European standards specify which loads have to be applied and how they have to be applied for roofings.


  • New TensiNet members receive the Design Guide for Free

    27 December 2007
    New TensiNet Members receive the European Design Guide for Tensile Surface Structures for free. To become a member please register here
