General information
- White Rhyno
- sculpture-detail
- sculpture-detail-01
- sculpture
- sculpture-01
- sculpture-02
- sculpture-03
- sculpture-04
- Article In Architecture Contemporaine - 4 - 1982
- Article In Architecture Contemporaine - 4 - 1982
- Article In Architecture Contemporaine - 4 - 1982
- description by Pohl Architekten
- Analysis of a Translucent Insulated 3-layer Membrane
- from the proceedings 'Novel Structural Skins'
- Article in 'Economisch bouwen met staal'
- Brochure Ganzenhoef
- from the proceedings of the IASS Symposium 1995 “Spatial Structures: Heritage, Present and Future”, Milan
- from Fabrics & Architecture, May-June 1995